May 31, 2011


So K gave A some sidewalk chalk for her birthday, which was last Friday. (I'll get to a birthday post, but that seemed more complicated, don't ask me how, and so I'll get to that when I'm less tired. Oh wait, I'm never less tired. Heh.) Moving on... We are loving living in a house with an actual yard! So even though it was about 90 degrees out, we had to take advantage of it and go use that new chalk.
Little E, who is getting less and less little every day, LOVED being outside. He just sat there and watched the girls, stared at the trees, etc. the whole time we were out there.

Seventeen pounds at four months. I know! He's huge! (And huggable. And kissable. And squishable. And squeezeable.)

So sleepy. So handsome!

First they had to line up their chalk.

They drew a little.

Then spent some more time lining the chalk all up again.

And this is the most awesome picture ever. I just happened to be taking it when A spotted a bug near her and jumped up. I love it!

I said, "Smile!" and this is what I got. She's much too cool (she IS 4 1/2, you know!) for all this smiling for the camera stuff.

Still watching that bug.

And then this boy started nodding off in his chair so I rushed him inside to his bed. And the girls were covered from head to foot in pink chalk (Well, A was. And her sister was almost there too.) so into the bath they went.

I feel like there needs to be a point to this post. But I got nothing. Except pictures. I guess the pictures ARE the point. Yeah, we'll go with that.

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