July 30, 2010

Ice Cream

The girls had never had their own ice cream cones. Can you believe it? Sure, they'd had ice cream before, but never their very own cones. And K asked me, "Mommy, why do we never ever ever get to have ice cream cones?" So I promised her we'd have them before Daddy got home from the missions trip he's been on.

A thought this was serious business.
There's a little smile.
This was like a dream come true for K!
She eventually lightened up a little!

A ate the whoooooole thing.

At first K wasn't sure if she was supposed to eat her ice cream "case" (cone) or not. She soon got the hang of it though, and ended up eating the entire thing.

My poor deprived children are no longer deprived. "Now," K says, "Daddy can come home."

July 23, 2010

Back again, hopefully for good!

So can we just ignore the fact that I kind of neglected this little space for five whole months? Let's just pretend I posted just last week. That way I can just pick up where I left off and not feel like I owe anyone an explanation. (Who am I kidding, I'll feel that way anyway... in fact, here's a little explanation... Right after I set this up we moved, the girls got sick a few times, and by then I was out of the habit so I forgot. Okay? Okay.)

I can't really promise anything very intelligent, as pregnancy brain seems to have made itself at home here. Yes, pregnancy brain, because we're expecting our third baby in late January! Here he/she is, although this was six weeks ago, so I'm pretty sure he/she looks more like a baby by now! (See that little black hole on the left? The little kidney bean looking thing is our baby. I think I even see arms!)

The girls are getting bigger and bigger. K will be four in October, although she thinks that day will never come. She asks me when she gets her birthday cake all the time, and yesterday she told me, "Mommy, being three is REALLY long!" I know, baby, I know. She has a really creative imagination right now, and makes up whole worlds and scenarios with her little people, blocks, and any other toys lying around. She can't wait until her new brother or sister gets here. At first she wanted a new sister, but today told me we needed a brother because we don't have one yet.

A turned two at the end of May, and she is two in a BIG way. Although I wouldn't call it terrible. She talks up a storm and is very articulate. Sometimes too articulate, I think. When she doesn't get what she wants, she throws herself face-down on the carpet and cries until she realizes no one's paying attention, and then she goes about her business. She loves to sing, and if you ask her, she'll sing a Veggie Tales song or two for you, while dancing in circles and flailing her arms. She wants to do everything her big sister does, and is very adept at pushing her buttons. (Of course! Because that's what little sisters do, right?) She thinks I have a baby in my belly button, and that she has one in hers too. She is definitely our comedian, and keeps us laughing.

And that pretty much brings us up to date! In a very general, non-detailed sort of way. To do anything more than that would make this very long, so this will have to do. For now, that is.

February 10, 2010

I love three

I love three...

All of a sudden she has such an imagination, reading to her little people (see them lined up there on the left),

making pies made of lincoln logs (oh and the outfits!),

building bonfires on the beach and taking naps beside them,

her "car" under the table, with front and back seat, and all her "things" packed and ready to go (she's been planning a trip to see her Gma and Papa for days now),

the pants that won't stay up (and the snowboots that apparently go with everything),

have I mentioned the lincoln log pie? (oh, and the snowboots?)

Tinkerbell, of course,

putting on a show full of songs and stories for all of us at the top of her lungs,

and of course, the outfits... with the snowboots,

making lunch for us out of leaves,


And oh, the dramatics... everything that doesn't go her way is cause for this...

But oh how I love three! In particular, my own little three.

I love three!

the first one is always the hardest...

To me anyway, the first post is always the hardest to write. This isn't my first blog, but because of certain circumstances, I'm starting all over again.

I'm Sarah, the mommy in the picture. I've been married to my best friend and love, Justin, for 6 1/2 years. Our beautiful little girls, our sugar and spice (and everything nice... ahem, most of the time) are K, who is 3, and A, who is 20 months old. My days revolve around the three of them. Oh, and also books and photography, I kinda like those too. So here we go...